TV on the Radio has done what few bands can do and that is follow up a critically acclaimed album with an equally impressive one. TVotR have answered their fans with an fantastic release many bands would like to imitate. Dear Science is everything that is great about the this New York experimental rock band collected in eleven songs.
The bass thumping opener “Halfway Home” reminds me of “Wolf Like Me” from their last album (Return to Cookie Mountain) which is not a bad thing. What makes TVotR stand above other bands out now is the complex arrangements and outstanding vocals of their music. Case in point is the second track, “Crying,” a true funky number with soulful singing. The next track, “Dancing Choose” could be mistaken for an LCD Soundsystem song if not for the vocals of lead singer Tunde Adebimpe. TVotR is a group that does only one thing and that is keep you entertained throughout an album. Dancier tracks like the afore-mentioned “Dancing Choose,” “Golden Age,” “Red Dress,” and “DLZ” are offset with slower numbers like “Stork and Owl,” “Family Tree,” and “Love Dog.” The great thing about this band is that the slower ones still rock. After all this band above all else is still a rock and roll band.
Dear Science is the fourth full length album from TV on the Radio. Hitting their stride with 2006’s critically acclaimed Return to Cookie Mountain it would seem TVotR would be destined to fail on their next effort. I am hear to tell you Dear Science is better than Return to Cookie Mountain which is no small feat. This band will be here for a long time. They have the formula for success, don’t compromise your values to sell more albums and play and write what comes to your heart. The songs on Dear Science are at once fun and danceable but the lyrics also speak of a bleaker time. Please do yourself a favor and go and pick this album up. Any cd that you can play for yourself and play for a party means one thing…AN AMAZING ALBUM!
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